Do you spell fashion S-H-O-E-S?
If you do, continue reading.
ShopSmart shoe poll result shows that almost 40% of women say they’re a shoe person. The average number of shoes women own is 17 pairs. But those who said they're a shoe person own 27 pairs of shoes on the average.
According to Carol Gioia in her article at, the two main reasons why women buy multiple pairs of shoes are appearance and comfort. I agree, but come on ladies, we all know the primary reason is appearance and comfort is secondary. But who's to say that a pair of pumps can't be the first three or four hours of wearing them?
But why do women wear those high heels if they are not so comfortable? Do those pairs of heels that are a fine line away from being an ultimate killing machine have magic spell that gives women the confidence and sense of power?
I remember watching a Korean drama entitled, "I Do, I Do." The lead female character is a shoe designer and was ask by the male character why women wear heels. He asked her why women depend on those sticks that are as thin as chopsticks to carry their whole body weight. She didn't really answer that but I remember her saying in the first episode, when one customer was complaining about the heels not being comfortable, "Then why wear makeup or skinny jeans. Just to make things comfortable you should wear jogging clothes." Exactly, right?